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Texture izoprostanstva, in fact, there is a style-ism awareness and perception. Style-ism as a form of awareness of time-of-fact the product of the intersection of parallel sotsiosintaksisa and universal. Tekstura as a form of unbiased, primitive, pure, .. attitude, by definition, is more versatile compared to sotsioklonirovannym mind. Otsutstvie expanded the list of ideas about the world makes it necessary to have direct contact undifferentiated attitude and awareness at all the centers of the body. a .., at least, a reason to supplement sintaksisslovarya and, as a maximum, excuse yourself to the revision, the opening of its universality, non-syntax-reflex of the mind and appeal to the evolution of his consciousness


“In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work, ...

The accompanying collection is devoted to these ideas, who maintain the pioneering spirit of the 1960s...

концептуальном искусстве идея или концепция осознания является наиболее важным аспектом работы". ...

Текстура изопростанства, собственно, есть стиль-изм осознания. Стиль-изм как форма время-факта всегда продукт пересечений "социосинтаксиса" и "универсального". Tекстура как форма мироощущения, по определению, более универсальна смотрения социо клонированного ума. Отсутствиe "списка" представлений о мире вынуждает к непосредственному контакту мироощущения и осознания на уровне центров тела. ..-это, как минимум, повод для дополнения синтакссловаря, как максимум, предлог к пересмотру себя, к открытию своей универсальности.


Texture izoprostanstva, in fact, there is a style-ism awareness and perception. Style-ism as a form of awareness of time-of-fact the product of the intersection of parallel sotsiosintaksisa and universal. Tekstura as a form of unbiased, primitive, pure, .. attitude, by definition, is more versatile compared to sotsioklonirovannym mind. Otsutstvie expanded the list of ideas about the world makes it necessary to have direct contact undifferentiated attitude and awareness at all the centers of the body. a .., at least, a reason to supplement sintaksisslovarya and, as a maximum, excuse yourself to the revision, the opening of its universality, non-syntax-reflex of the mind and appeal to the evolution of his consciousness.

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